Become An RTT® Hypnotherapist

It’s time to make your dream of helping others a reality with a career change to more meaningful and purposeful work as a hypnotherapist.

What is hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is a powerful way to transform people’s lives by guiding your clients into a state of deep relaxation where their mind is receptive to positive suggestions that help them.

As a hypnotherapist, you will be equipped to help people overcome their phobias, anxiety, stress, weight struggles, addictions, low self-esteem and much more.

There is no doubt that hypnotherapy can change lives but did you know there’s a revolutionary form of hypnotherapy that is getting even more powerful, profound, and permanent results?

Rapid Transformational Therapy® goes beyond traditional hypnotherapy, diagnosing what works best with clients to build a new, highly effective therapeutic approach. RTT® is a unique layering of techniques combining the most beneficial principles of hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, NLP, and CBT to achieve phenomenal results, fast.

RTT® was developed by Marisa Peer, a leading therapist and hypnotherapy trainer. Over her three decades as a therapist, Marisa has fine-tuned her method to deliver incredible results. Marisa has used her techniques to help celebrities, CEOs, politicians, and royalty to overcome their issues.

Named ‘Britain’s Best Therapist’ by Tatler, Marisa has now trained more than 4,000 therapists in her award-winning RTT® method.

It’s time for you to discover Marisa’s world-class techniques.

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“When one person breathes easier on the planet because of you, you have purpose and meaning”

marisa peer

RTT® Course Testimonials

What Clients Say About RTT®

Testimonials from Happy Clients of Marisa

“Hey everyone!! Today is a Teacher Appreciation Day!! And I would love to say Thank you to my teacher Marisa Peer. She is an amazing woman and inspiring role model! Marisa is a fun and phenomenal teacher and I couldn’t have asked for a better one! It was an honour to be trained by her and I’m forever grateful! When I first learned about Marisa, I knew right away that I want to do what she does and I knew that I will be able to help a lot of people and first of all myself! And I did, big time!! My life will never be the same and I have Marisa Peer to thank for it. Celebrate your teachers today! What teacher changed your life? Who would you like to say Thank you to?? #thankteacher #teacherappreciation.”

Anna Uvarova

“It is a fantastic course with the added bonus of online material & Masterclasses. The amount of people I’ve helped & seen transform through what I’ve learnt, for me, goes far beyond what I invested. Yes, it’s a lot of money, but every single penny has been worth it, not only from my clients but my own healing too. The memories I uncovered held such deep rooted issues & if I’d never seen a client then that shift alone would have been worth it. To give freedom to a struggling teen or a gorgeous 30 year old who didn’t see her own worth has been life changing. It’s become a passion that has purpose & I feel incredibly proud to say I’m an RTT® Practitioner.”

Sasha Holyoake

“Thank you Marisa for helping me today.”

“I just want to wish Marisa Peer and all the team putting on the Miami training today a wonderful 5 days. It was such a privilege and delight to get to be in the energy you co-create again at the London conference... and then witnessing the crowd’s response to Marisa at the Mindvalley event in LA... you give so much love and care and genuinely transform lives wherever you go. All my long-term clients are following me into RTT® training and its opening up a whole new vista for them too. So much love to you all, have a brilliant week. xo”

Giselle Jenway

“Finding Marisa Peer has changed my life. Since training to be an RTT® therapist in 2017 my income has doubled which is amazing but better than that, by helping others, my life has so much more meaning and purpose now. I cannot recommend this process and this training enough.’


“Hi lovely tribe, I just wanted to share some wonderful personal RTT® news with you… Today was clinic day at Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis clinic with my daughter, no 15yo. You may. Remember that I did a RTT® session with her October 2018. Her specialist said that all her joints are fine and she doesn’t need to go back for 6 months! This means that she is pain free, symptom free, no medication, no bloody tests, no 3 monthly appointments. In short it means that she is free to be herself! Thank you Marisa for this wonderful gift! I simply do not have the right words to express my gratitude and love for you.”

Rachel Farnsworth

“I went to Miami 2019 in April, and I’ve already made back my fees (in THIS week alone). Yay, I get to pay off my loan I took out for it! Thanks to all you amazing trainers and the love you all poured into us!!! And thank you, Marisa Peer for this amazing, LIFE CHANGING work. 🙏 I have found myself even more grateful because I get to be a part of watching someone’s life change. What a huge blessing! 💗 My life helps others live their best life. 💗 I couldn’t be more grateful. Thank you, thank you, thank you! 💗 Prayers that I’ll be at Train the Trainer soon!🙏 💗 🙏”

Beka Marie

“Hi, I’m a master practitioner of NLP, Time Line Therapy and Hypnotherapy. TLT in a nutshell is like imagining a timeline that you zoom up and down, going from past lives, the past, the future etc. You then observe the scene from different angles; high up if client too emotional or drop down into the scene (so associating and disassociating), then as a third party if you like for an objective view. I didn’t enjoy it (nor NLP if I’m honest), it seemed to elicit very strong emotions/reactions and people would be literally losing it in the room

😀 You’re taught to use the script exactly as set out without deviation, as the founder Tad James has trademarked it (and you must use the trademark sign too). It works on the theory that if you get to the root, it is like a gestalt - so once you clear that issue, it will then knock out the rest in that string of thoughts... imagine like breaking a string of pearls. It wasn’t for me but maybe some people find it useful. RTT® is infinitely more useful, maleable, successful and ultimately beneficial.”

Marina Clement

“Today is one year and ten days since I graduated the online course. I meant to write on the anniversary but forgot! 🙂 This training has changed my life. I have now given around 200 sessions and reached around 500 through the group sessions I have given. That’s a whole lotta life changing going on! I knew as soon as I took the leap and signed up back in January 2018, that RTT® was my calling. I had no idea it would lead this far though and it is only growing as I continue to develop my eight week programme (The Red Tent) for women with cyclical emotional / mental health issues (PMDD/PME/severe PMS). To all of you in this beautiful group who have supported me and shared so much wisdom, thank you. And of course THANK YOU to the boss lady herself Marisa Peer. You’d better watch out for the day I eventually meet you - I am going to give you the biggest hug ever!”


“RTT® has given my life a whole new purpose & direction. It’s given me the gift of not only being able to do what I am absolutely passionate about, healing holistically (and quickly), but it’s offered me the ability to work from home or wherever I choose, as long as I have access to the internet. This spells a whole lot of flexibility and freedom that I intend to take advantage of from now on.”

Stacey Michelle

“Thanks to RTT® I am now living my life purpose!”

“RTT® brought me personal healing, professional development and the ability to fulfil my life purpose. RTT® brought me friends, connection, knowledge, wisdom, a tribe… Plus endless support, guidance and inspiration from a knowledgeable and multifaceted group of peers whom I respect, appreciate and adore.”

Isabella Ivory

Train from Home

Have you always dreamed of becoming an RTT® therapist but with the current climate, you don’t think it’s possible? Well, we have the solution! Training online from the comfort of your home is an excellent alternative to attending our live events, and with the help of our team of specialists, you can start your course in no time. There’s never been a better time to train online, so book a call now—your dream career is just a phone call away.

Gain your RTT® Certification Online from the Comfort of Your Own Home

Find Out More and Book a Call Today

Accredited By The International Hypnosis Federation

One of the most comprehensive hypnotherapy trainings in the marketplace, Rapid Transformational Therapy® Live In-Person is a blended course combining 300+ hours of e-learning with five days of focused face-to-face tuition.


Schedule study needs around existing commitments, with a view of attending a five-day intensive face-to-face training. Access tutoring sessions while studying online to help you apply the techniques correctly, work in small teaching groups.


The live course element provides you with the platform to apply the tools you have learned online whilst honing your skills, supported by an experienced graduate trainer, through practice which continues post-course with extended support.

Marisa's Awards
Rapid Transformational Therapy RTT

RTT® therapy has won numerous awards and accolades and continues to grow in global recognition as one of the most effective methods available for achieving fast and permanent results.